
People. Process. Systems.

ERP Optimisation Guide

For companies who are looking to improve efficiency without breaking the bank, an ERP optimisation can be the perfect solution. Rather than upgrading to a new, expensive ERP system, it…

5 Ways ERP Can Improve Business Performance

Many companies that are considering investing in their business systems wonder how ERP can improve business performance. Deciding to go with an ERP system is not cheap, so what can…

Digital Transformation for Charities – Why it Matters

Before 2020, charities were often found to be lacking in digital ways of working and skillsets. And while progress was being made, it was much slower than other industries. The…

Moving From a Legacy ERP System

Upgrading your ERP system is a stressful experience at the best of times, but when you are also moving from a legacy ERP system, it can reach critical level. It…

Why Hire an ERP Consultancy?

Whether you are choosing your first ERP system or upgrading, you will be faced with a big, and potentially costly, decision. So why hire an ERP consultancy that is going…

The Importance of Packaging in Logistics

As we have become a more connected world that sends goods across the globe, the importance of packaging in logistics has continued to rise. Products once delivered across the country…

What Impact Will Blockchain Have on the Food Industry

As Industry 4.0 continues to be a point of focus for forward-thinking companies, one question we keep hearing is what impact will blockchain have on the food industry.   It…

10 Reasons Why ERP Implementations Fail

When it comes to implementing a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, the statistics of success paint a bleak picture. Up to 75% of ERP projects fail, with costs and…

Getting More From Your Charity’s IT Systems

As charities are forced to do more with less funding it becomes more important to squeeze the best ROI possible from investments. Getting more from your charity’s IT systems is…

The Benefits of Connected Business Systems

One thing that many businesses have in common is the lack of connected business systems across their organisation. What we often find is systems and departments working in silos and…