
People. Process. Systems.

Food & Drink Manufacturers and Brexit – A Match Made in Hell

While it might feel like the longest nightmare for many, Brexit is finally happening. The never-ending saga has been ongoing since 2016 and it has only been in the last…

The Gathering 2020: Talking Digital Transformation

Introduction to The Gathering The Gathering is Scotland’s largest event for charities, social enterprises and voluntary organisations and it took place in Glasgow across two days in February. Over the…

3 Reasons Why Charities Must Embrace Digital

Introduction Charities come in all shapes and sizes and with different objectives in what they aim to achieve. One thing many share though is a lack of digital operations. While…

Digital Transformation in the Charity Sector

Introduction The charity sector has faced tough headwinds over the last decade, from cuts to government funding to the move away from everyday cash use. This is only made worse…

The Road Ahead for the Distribution Industry

Problems Facing the Distribution Industry The distribution industry has seen incredible growth and change across the last two decades. According to MDM, the distribution industry has continued to grow in…

How to Prepare Team Members for a Digital Transformation

Intro to Digital Transformation Digital transformation. Industry 4.0. Call it what you will, but what was once a buzzword is now very much a reality. All areas of industry are…

Smart Factory Expo 2019 Recap

Intro As part of our continued efforts to see the advances in the manufacturing space, the team attended Smart Factory Expo last week. This yearly event is always at the…

Mind-Based Resistance to Change

This is the third part of a four-blogs series looking at how resistance to change appears in business. If you missed the previous posts, then check out Power-based and Value-based…

The benefits of 5G in Manufacturing

The roll out of 5G technology provides one of the largest potential benefits to manufacturers for a decade. Those who utilise this new tech will have an incredible competitive advantage…

3 ways Digital Transformation is Changing the Food Production Industry

Digital transformation is having an impact on every area of business with the continued move towards Industry 4.0. One area that is ripe to benefit from Industry 4.0 is the…